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State Dr Brijkishore homoeopathic Medical College & hospital, Deokali, Ayodhya Welcomes You

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State Dr.Brijkishore Homoeopathic Medical College
Deokali, Ayodhya, U.P.

State Dr. Brijkishore Homoeopathic Medical College was established by Dr. Brijkishore in 1972 coordinated by private commette late on 11-12-1981 Government order passed by Uttar Pradesh. State Government undertaking all homoeopathic colleges in Uttar Pradesh. Director was Dr. Avinash Chandra Saxena at that time who processed take over off all colleges in Uttar Pradesh. This College is affiliated from Dr. BhimRaoAmbedkar University, Agra having degree course BHMS (Bachelor in homoeopthic medicine & Surgery) of 38 seats. Students qualifying NEET Exams will get admission in this college accourding to ranking.

Providing health facilities to every individual of the city through the medium of homoeopathic medicine is among the resolutions of the state government. To achieve this objective, the Homoeopathic College has been functioning for dacades. Read More

About State Dr.Brijkishore Homoeopathic Medical College

State Dr.Brijkishore Homoeopathic Medical College in UP. India, With in Medical College all Students are Sallected by the CPMT/NEET/ ; College Principal, All Professor ,Mam & teachers Very Cooperative for in academic, Attending Acute, Chronic Cases, out side Camping programs & Colleges Functional program's. After Completing(5 year) further Students are Sallected in Post Graduation MD ( in Delhi Homoeopathic Medical College, NIH Kolkata LBSH Medical College Allahabad & NH Medical College Lko......Thanks Principal Sir , Prof. , Mam all teachers, OPD Staff MO ,RMO ,& Office Staff & All Great Seniors Boss-Mam & Lovely Juniors (Girls - Boys)......

About Our Principal

Dr. Ashish Kumar Singh,(Principal)
BHMS, MD (Hom.)

Dr. Ashish Kumar Singh has joined as Principal of state Dr. Brijkishore Homeopathy Medical College & Hospital, Deokali, Ayodhya on 25.08.2023. He is persuing his Ph.D from Tantia University, Rajasthan. He has completed his M.D.(Hon.)from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra in the year 2010. From the past 24 Years he has passionately dedicated himself to teaching & is still continuing to do so. He is selected through Uttar Pradesh Public service commissionin 2005. He also served as Joint Director (Education) Homeopathy & as Principal National Homeopathic Medical College, Lucknow. His Natural Ability to lead & inspire others is truly impressive. He is a role model for everyone to emulate. All the centeres headed by him so far have risen to new heights under his dynamic leadership.

Dr. C. F. Samuel Hahnemann M.D. (1755-1843)

samuel hahnimann

Dr. C. F. Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of Homoeopathy. He established the fundamental principles of the science and art of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases. Before Hahnemann, medicines were given on speculative indications, mainly on the basis of authority without experimental verification.

Hahnemann discovered the remedial powers of drugs and inert substances such as gold, platinum, silica, vegetable charcoal, lycopodium, etc. By preparing the medicines through potentization, these inert and insoluble substances became soluble in alcohol or water and were charged with medicinal force. Dr. Hahnemann espoused the law of cure known as "Similia Similibus Curentur", or "Like Cures Like". This means that a remedy that produces symptoms in a healthy person will cure those same symptoms when manifested by a person in a diseased state.

40 Faculty Members
200 Students
50 Journal Publications
1 Course (B.H.M.S.)